This post will help you to find recently modified files in Linux via command line .
The find command works with, define duration in Minutes or Days. The minutes are define with -mmin and the days value can be defined with -mtime
You can also define the search criteria to find files modified within or before specified duration. For example, to search files modified before, use “+” (positive) with duration (eg: +1, +24 etc). To search files modified within duration use “-” (negative) sign with duration value (eg: -1, -24) etc.
Modified within 10 Minutes:- Search all files modified within 10 minutes in the current directory. Use -mmin -10
means the files last modified less than 10 minutes.
$ find . -type f -mmin -10
Modified within 2 Hours:- Find all files modified within 2 hours in the current directory. Use -mmin -120
means the files last modified less than 120 minutes ie equal to 2 hours.
$ find . -type f -mmin -120
Modified within 1 day:- Search all files modified within 24 hours in the current directory. To define range in days use -mtime. For example -mtime -1
means the files last modified les than 24 hours ago.
$ find . -type f -mtime -1
Modified older than 10 Minutes:- Search all files modified before 10 minutes in the current directory. Use -mmin +10
option, which means find all files modified more than 10 minutes ago.
$ find . -type f -mmin +10
Modified older than 2 Hours:- Find all files modified before 2 hours in the current directory. Use -mmin +120
options to search file modified older than 120 minutes (ie 2 hours).
$ find . -type f -mmin +120
Modified older than 1 day:- Search all files modified more than 24 hours ago in the current directory. You can use -mtime option to define duration in days. For example -mtime +1
means find all files modified before 24 hours.
$ find . -type f -mtime +1